Tracking Methane in Your Portfolio

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Tracking Methane in Your Portfolio:

What Investors, Insurers, and Lenders Need to Know

FFI Solutions and Geofinancial Analytics held an informative webinar on measuring and tracking the methane intensity of the largest oil and gas producers and the implications for investors and risk managers.


Chris Ito, CEO – FFI Holdings
Mark Kriss, Co-founder and CEO – Geofinancial Analytics
Dr. Jessica Hellmann,  Co-founder and Chief Scientist – Geofinancial Analytics

What to Expect:

This webinar offers a unique perspective on the science behind the use of satellite technology to more precisely measure methane emissions. We’ll reveal how cutting-edge methods are being utilized to observe methane leakage, providing both a foundation for remediation, and for corporate disclosure, attestation, investment analysis, and company engagement.

Key Highlights:

  1. Science Unveiled: Learn the scientific foundations of methane emissions monitoring. Understand why reducing methane is paramount in the fight against climate change.
  2. Satellite Technology: Explore the advanced technologies that enable accurate emissions measurement at the well-head level and then attribution and aggregation to asset owners.
  3. Investing and Finance: Discover how the science and data link to oil and gas company transparency in disclosure and methane management. Learn about the risk of fees resulting from IRA non-compliance, and engagement applications.
  4. Demo: Preview MethaneScan® – Our analytics tool for methane emissions measurement, scoring and tracking of publicly-listed oil and gas companies.
  5. Q&A Session: Engage with our experts during a live Q&A session, where you can ask questions and gain deeper insights.

Who Should Watch:

This webinar is designed for a diverse audience, including:

  • Institutional Investors
  • Asset Managers
  • Investment Bankers
  • Lending Officers
  • Insurance Underwriters and Brokers
  • Auditors
  • Sustainability Officers, Risk Managers, Investor Relations
  • Managers at Oil & Gas Producers