White Paper: Climate Integration Framework for Institutional Investors

FFI Solutions - Climate Integration Framework for Investors - May 2024
May 2024

3rd Edition Update to:

Net Zero Blueprint for Institutional Investors

We’re FFI Solutions, your climate research and carbon experts.

Overview 2024: Adapting to Today's Climate Challenges

We published the first and second editions of our Net Zero Blueprint for Institutional Investors based on the premise that net zero portfolio goals would be widely adopted. While the transition to a low-carbon economy is underway, market participants face challenges in committing to and implementing a net zero portfolio strategy.

This year’s edition, now titled “Climate Integration Framework for Institutional Investors,” reflects the current state of global decarbonization efforts, the inevitable transition to a clean energy economy, and the politicization of ESG investing.

While net zero remains a crucial societal goal, the focus for a broader set of allocators should shift towards integrating climate risks and opportunities into their decision-making frameworks. Our updated framework helps institutional asset owners align climate considerations within the fundamental activities of Governance, Strategy, Implementation, and Monitoring – ensuring comprehensive integration of climate-related risks and opportunities into the investment process.

Download our updated whitepaper and learn:

  • How to define organizational goals and ambitions regarding climate change
  • Approaches to setting net zero commitments and emissions targets
  • Strategies to align with ambitions, including investment in climate solutions, shareholder engagement, and divestment
  • How to adjust manager due diligence and selection practices for climate objectives

Why Us?

FFI is uniquely positioned to help clients efficiently navigate the complexities of Net Zero. Our team brings together the hands-on experience in investing, carbon, climate change and consulting necessary to view challenges through multiple lenses and propose solutions that are both ambitious and pragmatic.

Hands-on Investment Experience

Experience as institutional allocators, fund managers, and researchers gives us real-world understanding of CIO and PM responsibilities.

Core Carbon Expertise

Over the last 9 years, we have expanded our expertise in carbon and energy transition research.

Proven Consulting Process

A proven, results-driven processes customized to an investor’s unique needs.

Who We Serve

Our clients span a wide spectrum: investors seeking to manage climate change risks, asset managers planning to develop products, and investment service providers looking to offer climate related advice.

Asset Managers

Our clients include investors seeking to manage climate change risks, asset managers planning to develop products, and investment service providers looking to offer climate-related advice.

Asset Owners

We help asset owners seeking to implement climate-responsible investing strategies by providing screening and investment solutions that align with their objectives and constraints.

Investment Services Providers

Investment services providers help manage the relationship between asset owners and their asset managers. We help these organization create and deliver solutions that facilitate product management and reporting requirements. 

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